Abundance Candle - Eighth & Ross

🕯Wellness Wednesday ✨ Manifesting Abundance🕯

Hey there,

I trust you are safe and well.

I want to share my newest candle creation with you. I'm so excited that I finally made it yet I am unsure when I will light it. It's an Abundance Candle, Money Candle, Fixed Candle or Spiritual Candle which ever you call them. Personally, I use them all depending on the day and vibe.

I made it to add to my spiritual/wellness practice like when I'm praying/meditating over/on my finances, financial opportunities, money management and overall financial flow. Yet it's not limited to only financial abundance. This candle represent abundance overall. I was interested in buying fixed candles once before but decided I'd rather put my own energy and creativity into making it myself. After all it's about my personal intentions anyways and nobody knows my intentions better than me.

I used what I had on hand as it was a spur of the moment type of thing. As you guessed, it turned out great in. See for yourself, below.

Abundance Candle - Eighth & Ross

I used: coconut wax blend, an (earthy type) blended fragrance oil I created, cut pieces from a $20, green and gold sprinkles, crushed roses, crushed lavender and I think that's it. I cleansed it with Palo Santo and created this bomb ass label.

Abundance Candle - Eighth & Rosd

Please disregard the typo (I Am *that legit) should read I Am rich, I Am legit. I was going to change the label but I said nope, my imperfections and fuck ups (mis-takes) are all apart of my beautiful hue-man experience. So, I decided to keep it as is and not waste another label.


Now keep in mind that I'm an artist, and I'm sensitive about my shxt, so y'all be nice about it. 🤪 I hope you like it. I can't wait to use it, looking forward to using it on a Full Moon night. Now from my research I have read that 'fixed candles" are to be lit and allowed to constantly burn until the wax is finished. I will NOT be doing that - I will allow it to burn a SAFE number of hours and extinguish it to light it again and again until it is finished.

Until next time...


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