Self Care Sundays...

Self Care Sundays...

Hi there,

Let's talk Self Care Sundays, this beautiful Sunday.

When I think of self care I first think of pouring into my-self and exactly what that looks like for me. Pieces of me always seem to need intentional TLC. Self care may not look the same for everybody and that's okay. What nurtures one will not always nurture the other.

For me -  self care is as simple as a jerk plate from Jamrock to a manicure and pedicure visit. A nice * Blood Orange Scented Candle * and book to a nice piece of warm peach cobbler made just right. A steamy herbal bath to a funny ass movie with snacks and wine.

Self care can also be as complex as healing from past traumas - taking the necessary steps to kick an addiction. Self care is can be as shallow or as deep as necessary. Whatever, you need soulful-ly is what your self care regimen should cater to.


Whatever self care looks like to you, have some today!

Suggestions to add to your Sunday "Self Care" vibes.

* Lavender & Sage, White Tea, Cashmere Plum, Passion Flower - bath time scents

* Mahogany Teakwood, Caribbean Queen, Blood Orange, Island Vibes - hosting family/friends

* Pineapple Sage, Ancient Kemet, Black Ice, Cashmere Butter, Black Rose, Baby Powder - bedside

* White Birch - after cleaning

This suggestion list makes me smile thinking of just how far our scents list has come since starting this business. I just love it!

All righty now!

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If you're interested in any of the scents mentioned, don't hesitate to head over to our products page and order you some bomb ass candles to spice up or light up your space.

As always,

Stay Lit,


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